Khidmat E Sadaat Kiraam

اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَلٰی اٰلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ بَا رِکْ وَسَلِّمْ

Our Goals

Alhamdulillah, Almighty Allah has prospered Gulaman e Ahlebait Leicester under the supervision of Syed Sultan Shah Sahib Kazmi since 2009. Our aim is not just to spread the message of Islam, but to implement its teachings in our daily lives as well. According to our religion, helping others is what makes us get closer to Almighty Allah. Hence, we try our best to become a source of help for the ones who are in need.

In February 2023, Turkey and Syria was going through the most crucial time after the two major earthquakes, thousands of people lost their lives, thousands of people became homeless. Almighty Allah granted us the ability to manage to collect more than £18k. In no time, Syed Sultan Shah Sahib Kazmi with the entire team of Gulaman e Ahlebait Leicester went to Turkey to help the survivors.

Since, November 2014, an outline of serving other Sadaat e Kiraam through donations was initiated by Syed Sultan Shah Sahib Kazmi. It was named as 'Sadaat Ki Khidmat' (Khidmat of Sadaat). The goal of this outline is to serve Sadaat e Kiraam financially; as much as we can. Throughout the year, the entire team of Gulaman e Ahlebait Leicester manages to collect funds and humbly presents them to the Sadaat families in the Asian countries. The donations we collect are utilised in their medical, educational, groceries, and wedding expenses.


Sayyiduna Maula Ali گرم اللهُ تَعَالَى وَجْهَهُ الْكَرِيمِ narrates, the Beloved Prophet Muhammad صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَأَصْحَابِهِ وَسَلَّمْ states:

أربعة أنالهم شفيع يوم القيامة المكرم الذريتي والقاضي لهم الحوائج والساعي لهم في أمورهم عند ما اضطروا إليه والمحب لهم بقلبه ولسانه

"I will intercede (specifically) four people on the day of Judgement: The one who respected my family, the one who fulfilled their needs, the one who hurried to help them (when needed) and the one who loved them heartedly."

{Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 12, Page 100, Hadith 34180 Zakhair al-Uqba, Page 50)

As mentioned in the blessed Ahadith above, despite of their financial status we must respect, love, and serve the blessed progeny of the Beloved Prophet of Almighty Allah. Their rank is not based on their financial or social status. They are highly ranked because they are the direct descendants of the Last Prophet of Almighty Allah. According to the law of Shariah, it is not valid to pay our Zakat to the blessed families of the Last Messenger of Almighty Allah, as it is considered as the impurity of our wealth. Therefore, we must always present our pure money to them.


The details of our services since last few years are as below:

• Every year, food parcels/groceries are presented to 786 families of Sadaat e Kiraam, during the month of Ramadhan Mubarak.

• Throughout the year, numerous families of Sadaat e Kiraam are being served with the wedding expenses for their daughters.

• Time to time, several families of Sadaat e Kiraam are being provided with earning sources and medical expenses.

• A lot of children of Sadaat e Kiraam are being supported in their religious education.


We are thankful to Almighty Allah for granting the ability of being a part of this beautiful act. Indeed, those brothers and sisters are very fortunate who have helped us achieve our goal. Let's make an intention of becoming a part of this great work, forward this information, and motivate others.

We humbly request you to participate generously, like always.

May Almighty Allah accept you and reward you through the Wasila of Panjatan e Paak عليهم السلام Aameen

Khidmat E Sadaat Kiraam

Alhamdulillah, Almighty Allah has prospered Gulaman e Ahlebait Leicester under the supervision of Syed Sultan Shah Sahib Kazmi since 2009. Our aim is not just to spread the message of Islam, but to implement its teachings in our daily lives as well. According to our religion, helping others is what makes us get closer to Almighty Allah. Hence, we try our best to become a source of help for the ones who are in need.

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We are very grateful towards our brothers and sisters who have always participated generously.

Please participate, forward this message as much as you can, and motivate others to become a part of this beautiful act
May Almighty Allah brighten your future with the Wasila of Panjatan e Paak عَلَيهِمُ السَّلَامْ, Aameen.

Contact Information

Haji Mushtaq Ahmed Talati Sahib
07830 324234
Firoz Dana Sahib
07973 198091

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Khidmat of Sadaat e Kiraam
Mosque (LILLAH)
Qarz e Hasanah
Niyaz (LILLAH)
Sadaqaat, etc

Direct Bank Transfer
Khidmat of Sadaat e Kiraam (LILLAH)
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Gulaman e Ahlebait Charity
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